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Wrapping up World Innovation Day Hackathon 2022

On the 21st of April every year, World Innovation and Creativity Day is celebrated to raise the awareness of the role of creativity and innovation in all aspects of human development. Since 2021, Hackmakers have been celebrating this event by organising various global Hackathons with reputed organisations across the globe.

With Oracle, Google Cloud, Filecoin/IPFS, Polygon and AI4Diversity as sponsors, Hackmakers inaugurated the World Innovation Day 2022 hackathon on 29th of April 2022. There were 6 regional partners and more than 40 community partners from different countries all around the world, who dedicated their time and effort to make the world a better place by innovating and spreading the SDG goals.

The hackathon revolved around the following topics:

  1. Tech for Good

  2. Blockchain for good

  3. NFT for good

There have been an overwhelming number of participants as usual innovation hackathons organized by Hackmakers. This year there were 3,500 participants coming from more than 80 countries. Together they formed a total of 200 teams and there were a total of over 100 solutions submitted by the teams for the development of the world and attain the SDGs of the UN by 2030.

Among those amazing and very innovative solutions submitted by the teams Hackmakers have found the top solutions and innovations.

The Award Ceremony for the World Innovation Day Hackathon 2022 will be hosted Live on Friday, 27th May, followed before a lineup of amazing speakers who would be giving words of motivation to all the participants:

  • Honourable Judith Collins, Member of Parliament, New Zealand

  • Andrea Mattea, President Asia Pacific, Microsoft

  • Dr Melissa Sassi, Chief Penguin, Entrepreneur and Student Experience, IBM

  • Honourable Victor Dominello, Minister for Customer Service, NSW Government

  • Chris Chelliah, Senior Vice President, Technology & Customer Strategy, Oracle Japan & Asia Pacific

  • Bo English-Wiczling, Head of Oracle's Developer Relations

  • Ally Haire, Developer Advocate at IPFS Filecoin

  • Steve Nouri, Founder and CEO, AI4Diversity

  • Rahat Chowdhury, Developer Advocate, Polygon Technology

After weeks of judging hundreds of innovative and creative solutions, our judges have finally come up with the best solutions presented in the hackathon. And the winners of the hackathons are:

Honourable Mentions

Team Coral Brigadiers

Members: Muhammad Inaamullah, Joseph Schmitt, Ayesha Younas, Yemisi Taiwo, Nkrumah Dubazana, Megan Mirnalini Sundaram R, Tayelolu Ayobami Olayiwola and Ömer Kiliç

Mentored by: Fatima Rani, Fauzi Tahir, Lyn Ward, Gaurav Manha, Jason Lowe and David Regalado

Challenge: Challenge 1- Tech for Good

Solution: The solution aims to raise awareness by creating a global community for Coral Reef, and providing people with a platform where they can use real-time data and apply techniques for coral reef preservation.

Team Garbage Goober

Members: Mohinish and Jonathan Gan

Mentored by: Niki

Challenge: Challenge 2- Blockchain for Good

Solution: The team built a solution where they created a decentralized reward distribution system called Garbage Goober. The waste management system processes all the waste categorically from the users’ end and rewards them in the form of cryptocurrency based on the carbon footprint they have saved.

Team Fund 3

Members: Ana Bucardo, Pierre Collignon, Julien Carbonell, Abdul Hannan and Majid Ali Mentored by: Himanshu Joshi

Challenge: Challenge 3- NFTs for Good

Solution: The team came up with Fund3, a platform dedicated to using the power of art to leverage crowdfunding. Fund3 adds transparency and security to the donation transaction by tracking the individual contributions from one end to the other. Fund3, being a crowdfunded NFT platform, not only focuses on security, but also aims to leverage donation amounts by partnering with local NFT artists who want to grow their career in the Web3 space.

Bronze Medal Finalists

Team Wonder

Members: Glory Uchechi Amadife, Mmerichukwu Anosike, Nnam Darlington and Samuel Oziegbe

Challenge: Challenge 2- Blockchain for Good

Solution: The team built a solution, targeting the youth of Nigeria, focused on their unwillingness to go out and vote during the presidential elections. Team Wonder came up with Ballox, a secure, decentralized and transparent voting platform. Ballox provides the users with a real time data of the votes being casted, and allows you to cast your vote securely with the help of blockchain technology.

Team Confluence

Members: Nnamse Akpan, Namrah Rehman, Umer Siddiqui, Kelly Silvera, Anas Siddiqui, Qasid Ali and Mubeen Kodvavi

Mentored by: Fauzi Tahir, Jason Lowe, Deepthi Gandham and K Y Lim

Challenge: Challenge 1- Tech for Good

Solution: The team came up with a platform called Angel Donor, a cloud based solution, which would help donors, suppliers and relief workers to partner with each other and work efficiently with transparency. The platform comes with a dashboard which gives us a real time map of the disasters affected population seeking for help and top 15 humanitarian agencies in the world requesting donations.

Silver Medal Finalists

Team BCoE

Members: Nur Arifin Akbar and Nitia Rahmi

Mentored by: Agus Trihandoyo

Challenge: Challenge 2- Blockchain for Good

Solution: The team came up with a solution called ‘Lend a Book’, to solve the researchers’ dilemma of sharing their work either on open access or keeping it close access. The solution aims to provide an NFT based publisher platform by transforming the research paper into an NFT based on the transfer of its ownership.

Team Kaha

Members: Austin Chamberlain, Waseem Waheed, Gul Hassan, Rachel J Mah, Sameer Joshi and Alicia Chin

Mentored by: Lyn Ward and Jason Lowe

Challenge: Challenge 1- Tech for Good

Solution: The solution aims to bridge the gap between lack of information and proper communication to provide help during times of disaster and calamity. The team came up with a platform called Aidlink, a disaster management portal where aid workers can identify needs of the ones in need, and release information to the aid seekers.

Winners of the WID Hack 2022


Members: Ruth Nayely Condori Carita, Micaela Centeno Castañeda, Lenin Alberto Jara Palomino, Juleysi Parrilla Morocho, Bianca Elizabeth Romero Diaz and Josue Ruben Zevallos Carlos

Mentored by: Gina Violeta Acosta Gutiérrez

Challenge: Challenge 1- Tech for Good

Solution: Their solution, Safe Streets, an AI enabled platform, aims to provide a safer and more secure environment for women and children by providing the authorities with adequate data and using AI to travel through the significantly safer areas around a city.

Team Vessel

Members: Phillip Zlatkovic, Amir Kashapov, Grady Tucker and Elmore Shaw

Challenge: Challenge 2- Blockchain for Good

Solution: The solution, Vera Protocol, integrates a secure distributed ledger allowing a blockchain for each unique society and its service. The protocol allows all types of services to be provisioned and on boarded, with the information remaining fully encrypted.

A huge thanks to all the participants, mentors, ambassadors, sponsors and partners for being a crucial part of this hackathon and making this event a reality!

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